Survivors of Bertrand Etoundi


He did not bring any preservatives... But he wants to have sex. You could go home, but he is unhappy. Would you risk making him sad when you see so little of him.
You avoid this subject in the conversation but remind him that you are not on the pill: "This is not a problem" he replies and your heart fills with love... your man will face the consequences of your mutual love as a man should, as a father. All is well then...
A couple of days later, you dare bring the subject up again. This is a long-distance relationship, how does he plan to help out, if, in case, no one knows...
He looks at you sadly, incredule, and he talks again about ALL the responsibilities he has (none that include you of course!). If you want to talk about a possible pregnancy, you feel you'll have to take it all on your shoulders.

You're pregnant!
A baby, made with love, is growing inside your wombs.
The father-to-be is suddenly confused, embarrassed, jumbles on his words. He might even avoid you and keep a long silence. When you confront him, eye-to-eye, he wants to be responsible. He even manages to make you feel guilty, he says things like  "it is a baby we are talking about!" and your eyes sink... He holds your hand and mumbles "it is not the right time... I have so much to handle already"
You risk a timid "you knew that while you had sex with me"
He silences you "one cannot speak like that..."
He will not take the decision, nor will he help you take one, but he will give you all the wrong cards. It is your decision, but he does not want the child and he will back you up, no matter what... NO MATTER WHAT!
With a dead heart, alone, abandoned, you take all your savings and travel in the dark morning to have a child sucked out of your entrails. All you have is his voice on the phone, relieved at last, you did the right thing, he won't have to deal with another unwanted consequence of his depraved life ,"we'll have another child when the moment is right"... Whatever that means for him, you will never know!